Sunday, 1 February 2015

The first post of 2015- Missing most things

Well, 2014 passed off in a breeze. I can not believe that it already a month past in the new year. 2014 brought a huge change in my life, I moved from India to the US in mid- December. Perhaps the excitement of the move, coupled with the fact that I was going to travel alone can excuse the scarce number of posts since September...Perhaps not. :) The fact of the matter is that I began so many posts in my mind while completing my chores, while travelling, at work and so on, but as soon as I opened the laptop to write something, poof! all those  thoughts disappeared like fog on a sunny day! Hello, blogger's block :)

So now it has been nearly one and half month in the US, and since the initial chaos of relocation is wearing off, I have started missing most things from my life back in Bangalore.  I miss so many things from back home already- my family, friends, the weather, the street food, my team, the list just goes on.Back in Bangalore, me and the PC used to stay alone in an apartment near by to our offices, the in-laws stay at the other end of the city and my parents stay in my native town. So, some times it used be a couple of weeks between visits to the in-laws and in the case of my parents, it used to be months, But still, here I feel like I have not seen them since forever.I am already missing my parents' visits to Bangalore, when I used to be treated like a princess. :(
I miss my gang of friends from office, the numerous tea breaks, walks after lunch, frequent trips to the malls and so many more things. Here, the weather is currently too cold to allow many excursions outside and so its just home to office and back for me... I am staying with two wonderful roommates- R1 and R2. R1 is planning to return to India soon, so most of the weekends have been spent in shopping, window shopping and basically just having fun. I have realized that living with someone will make you very close to them, I did not know R1 or R2 before coming here, but within 5 odd weeks, we have become bosom buddies :):). Being a vegetarian, my options to eat at office are severely limited here, so we cook everyday, together, chat, tell each other secrets, giggle like teenagers, watch movies and shows on Netflix and call it a night.

 A major change in my life is that the PC is still in India. It is the first time that we have not been together to bring in the New Year since we got married. So New Year's was a a subdued affair for both of us. Here is to hoping me and my Prince Charming (PC) spend all the coming new years together :):)

So this is normally contrary me, blogging again after a hibernation of sorts, alone in a new country in a new year, rambling about everything and anything around me. I am a huge and mostly silent fan of Shail's Nest ( and thanks to her new tag, I have finally written (more like scribbled)  a complete post after realizing I have done zilch writing for this year! I do not know if this qualifies for Shail ji's tag, but sure hope it does :) First post in 2015, yay!!!


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