Friday, 6 February 2015

February Ramblings- Shopping woes

Since I have taken it up to ramble this month and I am way, way behind on the number of posts for this prompt, I have to pull up my socks and get to the business now. After all, a promise is a promise is a promise, especially so when it is made only to one's own self!

This past week has been crazy. Just when the dust settled from my move here that one of room mates is planning to leave. The past few days have gone in a haze of shopping. Now shopping is one of those things that I can take only in small doses (others include intrusive questions from people who have no reason to intrude, unsolicited advice and sugar). But ironically, for a disinterested shopper, I too tend to buy more things than I can store :)

Some times, the problem is having too many options rather than too few. Show me ten types of tops that I can buy and I will keep pondering over and over again on the pros and cons of the different types till I decide according to the what I call the "Golden rule of shopping". Here it goes, for all you uninformed shoppers out there:When in doubt, do not buy!!

This is what happened to me this past week. Everywhere we went, I saw some things I thought I wanted, but after thinking, ditched the idea of buying altogether as per the golden rule. And like I said, after a while shopping gets on my nerves. The feet start aching, eyes get confused looking at all the price tags after all, how many aisles can one person see before they all start looking the same?

I remember, two days after I landed here, the roomie took me shopping for boots as boots are as essential as clothes during the winter here. After trying on what seemed like a gazillion boots, I ended up buying a pair just when my eyes started to glaze. I do wish I had the dedication that some people I know have, to find the perfect everything, not only for themselves, but for others as well. To think about it, in things that really matter to me, I am a perfectionist. Like books,gifts for others, bags etc. but when it comes to things that are utilitarian in nature, this problem rears its ugly head.

This affliction is a boon when I realize I do not resort to shopping as therapy by default, though the few times I have tried it, it actually worked. It is the bane of my existence when I really want to buy something and get lost in the whys, whens and other questions that the little voice in my mind likes to ask me or even worse when I get lost amidst all the trials and end up buying something to just hold me up till the next time.

Enough rambling about my shopping woes, do you have any?

Till next time,

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