Thursday 3 October 2013

About me...

Hi there, I am just a normal city gal, facing the same day to day issues as many out there but usually have a contrary view ready for most of the things that are happening around me. This blog is my mouthpiece to bring out those views there and whenever the going gets a little monotonous, it will be spiced up with the small craft projects that I entangle myself into. :) 

Also I want to maintain an on-going library of recipes that work for me in my kitchen, but there is a long way to go!! Great expectations, you say? But then, only when you aim for the sky do you reach even a cloud.. So this is me, grabbing that bit of cloud :):)

This blog is me keeping a note of things that happen while I live, love and laugh through this voyage called life. 


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Bee, Welcome to my space :)

      You have a really beautiful blog there :)

    2. Thank you. I haven't been around much lately for various reasons but am trying to rectify that - once the Muse decides to show up again!!


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