Friday, 26 September 2014


Poetry is something that has always mesmerized me. The way the words are threaded into beautiful strings to show the depth of human emotion takes away my breath!
Recently, I came to know of different poetry forms; talk about method to the madness of poetry. The use of innumerable permutations and combinations to come up with the exact number of syllables fascinates and scares me at the same time. I mean, come on,a-b-c-c-b-c-b-a?? really??
Still, like my dad always tells me, if its been done, there is a way to do it! You just have to figure it out. If it hasn't been done, you get the chance to be the first... Yaay you! And if you knew me, you would know, figuring out a puzzle always fascinates me :):)

I decided to start with something simple. Because following the rules on this form of poetry itself for daunting for the non-conformist in me or because I did not want the multi-headed dragon that is poetry forms to slay me at our first skirmish!!

Here is my maiden attempt at Palindrome Poetry... Presenting SOUL-MATES

Sunrise to sunset
Together walking
Fingers entwined
Impossible dreams realized
Promised love forever
Forever love promised
Realized dreams impossible
Entwined fingers
Walking together
Sunset to sunrise

*** Definition from Also Known as Mirrored Poetry

A palindrome, by definition, is a word, phrase, verse, sentence, or even poem that reads the same forward or backward. It stems from the Greek word palindromos: palin, meaning again, and dromos, meaning arunning. Combining the two together, the Greek meaning gives us, running back again...

Phew!!! That was a tough cookie. All those people who write poetry strictly to form, I bow down to you!! 

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