Friday, 19 April 2013

Hello and Welcome

Hi !!!

Welcome to my space for relaxing and sharing what is on my mind.

I am a software engineer by profession and a newly-wed cooking adventurer at home and so I am occupied most of the weekdays coding, debugging or cooking and cleaning :)

But at heart, I have always wanted to nurture the creative side of me that has been ignored since eons now. This blog  is a small attempt at keeping that hope alive.

I will be posting my random musings about things, poems, some craft work (difficult to believe I still manage to those) and book reviews here. Did I mention I love books? Reading is something that can improve not only my mood but also my health. Whenever I have a headache, a book is what comes to the rescue :)

Thank you for dropping by and do leave a note if you like something on this space :)
