Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Happy New Year

Wishing an awesome, exhilarating New Year to all. I wish for an year that is full of surprises and inspiration and hope to continue expressing my thoughts through this window to my soul, my blog.

As far as New Year Resolutions go, I am not the best at keeping them. But some resolutions, where the goal is clear and the rewards far outweigh the hard work required, I have managed to fulfill. For this year, I hope to finally learn driving a four wheeler and work more on my writing. It is a well-known fact in my family that I am one of those few people in the universe who managed to become an adult without learning to ride a bicycle :( A fact that I regret now, but am too chicken to reverse. So four wheelers are my only hope of self sufficiency. As a  kid, I was chauffeured everywhere like the daddy's princess I am and later on preferred taking public transport to maintain what I liked to call "My Green Quotient" :) . Now, my PC is very helpful in driving me wherever I want, and my city has buses and other means of transport, but this is my belated attempt at being independent :)

As far as improving the frequency and quality of my writing is concerned, I am still shaking off the rust on my pen and trying to work out a routine where I can scribble a few lines a day. Sometimes, I feel that there are too many thoughts in the mind that refuse to get written on paper. Does that happen to you too? Now I have taken up to writing on random bits of paper whenever the thought strikes me. Let's see if that improves :)

What are your New Year Resolutions? Do you plan on learning/ improving anything?  

P.S.: PC: Prince Charming

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

When you come back

whispers of dawn lighten the sky,
but the darkness of the heart has no respite
our garden is a now forest
but the blooms are still untouched by sight.

and when you come back
by the river you will find me
smiling in the petals of a daffodil
flitting in the gossamer wings of a bee.

and when you reach out,
in the wildflowers' scent I will waft in
in the fireflies' light I will elude
like the wind I will be wherever you see.

shades of dusk permeate the horizon
seek me in the lake at first daylight
when you find my watery grave
envelop me in you arms and hold me tight.

I believe that true poetry comes from the soul and mostly has no form. That when we use different poetry forms or structures, the form that we present it in is an adulterated rendition of our thoughts and feelings. This is a poem that follows no format or structure, directly out of my heart, hope it reaches yours. 

Tough or Easy?

Last week I had been to my cousin's wedding in Mumbai. On my way back yesterday, I was waiting for the flight to board at the airport. Mumbai being Mumbai, within twenty minutes, I was feeling thirsty. I looked around and headed to the crowded ( another characteristic of Mumbai) snack counter. Since there was a huge line, I thought, let me look and see if I like any of the soft drinks before joining the queue. While I was lost in my thoughts, a lady, well dressed and educated standing in the line looks at me and says haughtily, "excuse me, there is a line, you have to join". And this when I was nowhere near the line. I was stupefied for a minute. Then the lioness in me woke up, but it was too late. The "line lady" had turned back and the moment was lost.

I found this incident very difficult to forget. I had a lot of good memories of the time I spent with my extended family on this trip, but this one totally unimportant and meaningless incident overshadowed my mind for a very long time. A niece's smile, a nephew's lisping rendition of Johnny Johnny rhymes, shared laughter with cousins, pulling each other's leg and just being with family. On the plane, I realized that it is so tough to forget some things but there are so many good memories that are washed away.

This incident brought about one more thought to my mind, it is so easy to be rude, to curse, to hurt and so tough to be nice, to compliment, to heal. And being human, we all choose to do the easy things. When I was standing there in the airport cafe, it would have been easy for her to be nice, easier to ignore the girl lost in her own world next to her but she chose to presume the worst and be rude to her. Maybe, the lady's actions were a result of tension or stress in her life, but is that any excuse to take it on an unsuspecting person?How many times, have we done the same thing, been obnoxious while being cordial was equally possible, where with no or little provocation we have spoiled some stranger's mood?

I have promised myself today that even if I cannot forget the negativity around me, I will not allow it to overshadow the sunshine and happiness that all my beloved people spread in my life :):) So, the lady who yelled at me in a crowded airport, you actually taught me something! Thank you!

Sunday, 20 October 2013

What to do when people leave?

People leave, sometimes when things go wrong, sometimes in search of something and sometimes for no apparent reason at all. What does one do when someone close to you leaves, follow them, ask them to come back, hate them or let them walk away ?

I am one of those who believe that all of us are on a journey. A journey that began in our mother's womb and will end when we are in our tomb. So when someone leaves, its because their journey is taking them somewhere else. And if you are not essential to their journey, then perhaps they are not to yours. So what if the person showed you colors in you and around you that you were unaware of? You know yourself better now and you were alive and well before you met them. 

I know its never easy to let go of anger, least of all, when it is righteous. But it is up to you whether to hold on to a dream that has already let you go or take a step forward and carry on with the other things in life, there is so much more to love, to experience, to feel. Do not let yourself stop your journey because one person left your ship. There are many more passengers that  you can pick up on your way, but always remember, each passenger is on his own journey.

Put all the hate in a letter and burn it. Let all your anger  disappear in the ashes, there is no use in nursing old hurts, because as long as you stay mad, its not going to get better. Forgive and move on to all the better things that life is waiting to show you.

Till next time,


Saturday, 19 October 2013

Why should one write?

Since childhood, I have had a worship for all things literary. Any free time on my hands and I would curl up with a book. Sometimes, during summer holidays, after exhausting my share of books from the local library, I would beg my brother to get some books for me. This love for books soon moved to writing snippets of prose and poetry during high school years.

But as time passed and I started feeling the pressure of making grades for a good college, then cracking the interview for the perfect company and finally maintaining all the deadlines which are a part and parcel of every IT story. And then the little connection that I had to writing slowly leaked out of my life. Things did not change after marriage, but rather, I got a convenient excuse whenever I asked myself, "Why am I not writing?" Frankly, where is the time I said to myself. Work and learning how to maintain a home, despite being a Daddy's little princess ( more about that some other time) has completely engulfed my life. So one fine day, when I was going through one of many inspirational blogs I realised that I have been hiding myself from the reality of writing. Of putting my thoughts into words. 

I had created this blog during one of those upbeat moods while going through old poems,I thought that my creativity or lack there of should be out there in the world and not just a page in my well worn notebook. But I did not post anything old or new on this blog because I was scared, what if no one reads my blog, or what if people read it and hate it? And why start something without knowing if I have the time to go through with it. Why should I write?

Today, I had an epiphany. I have read a lot on the internet so far. Some of it really good, some in my honest opinion could use some improvement but at least there are other people who have the guts to go tell the world what they are thinking. So, moving on to the epiphany, it does not matter if no one likes what I am writing, it does not matter if no one reads (well to tell the truth, it does matter,but lets look at the bigger picture here) what matters is that when I write, I am sharing a part of myself, creating something that has my stamp on it. And like chopping onions, it might be unbearably tearful in the beginning, but with time I can only get better. 

Dear reader, you came across this page while just checking the net and like me nurse an insatiable love for writing but have been wondering when and how to take the plunge into writing, believe me, there is no better time than now. And if like normally contrary me, you have also overcome the indecision and fear or being unheard, do share your story with me, I can always do with new inspiration.

Till next time,


Lost Love

She knew it would all end in pain

But given a choice,she would love him

forever and all over again

Her dreams of moonlit walks would remain a fantasy

And yet, she treasured the clandestine moments of rendenzvous

every step of that one shared waltz made her dizzy

Her presence was like the warmth of a blaze on a winter night

her musical laughter mesmerized him,

he was losing his heart and he did not even put up a fight

How could something feel so right, when they knew deep down, it was wrong

he was pledged to a different destiny and her dreams were shattered

They could not live in their blissful oblivion for long

She walked away, because she could not stand being in the way,

embraced him for the last time and with a smile

sent him to where his duty lay

He stood, arms outstretched, lips moved, but all the broken promises choked his throat

Fighting his inner demons, when he called out to his lost love,

she was gone, like she never was, without even a goodbye note..

Thursday, 3 October 2013

About me...

Hi there, I am just a normal city gal, facing the same day to day issues as many out there but usually have a contrary view ready for most of the things that are happening around me. This blog is my mouthpiece to bring out those views there and whenever the going gets a little monotonous, it will be spiced up with the small craft projects that I entangle myself into. :) 

Also I want to maintain an on-going library of recipes that work for me in my kitchen, but there is a long way to go!! Great expectations, you say? But then, only when you aim for the sky do you reach even a cloud.. So this is me, grabbing that bit of cloud :):)

This blog is me keeping a note of things that happen while I live, love and laugh through this voyage called life. 

Friday, 19 April 2013

Hello and Welcome

Hi !!!

Welcome to my space for relaxing and sharing what is on my mind.

I am a software engineer by profession and a newly-wed cooking adventurer at home and so I am occupied most of the weekdays coding, debugging or cooking and cleaning :)

But at heart, I have always wanted to nurture the creative side of me that has been ignored since eons now. This blog  is a small attempt at keeping that hope alive.

I will be posting my random musings about things, poems, some craft work (difficult to believe I still manage to those) and book reviews here. Did I mention I love books? Reading is something that can improve not only my mood but also my health. Whenever I have a headache, a book is what comes to the rescue :)

Thank you for dropping by and do leave a note if you like something on this space :)
